Frozen Foods

The Sustainable Ice Cream Challenge project, initiated by Unilever International, was established with the goal of improving ice cream preservation methods in order to reduce energy consumption and the emission of tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere.

The Sustainable Ice Cream project involved the development of ice cream with a melting temperature significantly higher than current products, allowing it to be stored at less negative temperatures, in this case, around -5 °C (23 ºF). Currently, to maintain their organoleptic, physicochemical, and texture properties according to the standard accepted by consumers, ice cream must be kept at temperatures between -18 to -20 °C (-0.4 to -4 ºF). This project, therefore, enables a 75% reduction in CO₂ emissions that would be released due to the energy required for ice cream refrigeration.

This reduction is equivalent to about 0.75 million tons of CO₂ that will not be emitted, while still maintaining all the characteristics we enjoy in an ice cream, but at higher storage temperatures.

Developed projects


Desenvolvimento de embalagens alimentares biodegradáveis solúveis...